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Immersitech’s ClearVoice and Immersive SpatialVoice Audio SDKs provide the ultimate social audio experiences across a variety of different use cases. Learn how Immersitech’s offerings can transform your social audio experiences.

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Multi-Player Gaming

Muffled voices, distracting noises, and inconsistent voice volume levels take you out of a gaming experience. With Immersitech’s audio software, say goodbye to these distractions and fully enjoy the experience of the game with your friends.

AI-powered noise removal software removes distractions that might take you out of the game
Understand your whole team clearly
Spatial audio puts you in the game by making the audio experience feel more immersive
Laptop Screen with Virtual Business Meeting

Social Chat

You can engage with your friends better when you’re not struggling with inconsistent audio quality, voice levels, and tonality. Our social audio technology software helps you stay focused on your conversation and avoid interruptions. 

Limit the number of times you need to ask people to go on mute as they eat, drive, or type during chats. 
Minimize virtual fatigue caused by background noises. Our software makes it easier to stay focused and minimizes distractions, helping keep your brain fresh. 
A more engaging audio environment helps you connect more easily with your friends and colleagues in a way that drives deeper, more meaningful conversations.

Social Fitness Workouts

The growth of connected and social fitness devices and apps has shown how important a fitness community can be – even if it’s a virtual one. The benefits of following a live instructor and completing the workout with a group of friends and strangers alike make the experience much more engaging and successful. A key element to that success is the part audio plays in the experience; great quality and immersive audio helps you stay focused on the task at hand and have some fun as well. 

Escape from the household noises that keep you from staying in the zone.
Hear your instructor clearly to help you stay focused on the class.
Our spatial audio software helps immerse you in the class experience, making it feel even better than being there in-person.
image credit: christina wocintechchat via

EdTech and Distance Learning

Our social audio technology helps students and educators thrive. Clear audio and our AI-powered noise cancellation helps users communicate and collaborate effectively.

Background noise (and other sources of environmental noise) easily distracts the brain from tasks that require a larger cognitive load, such as math, languages, and sciences.
Poor classroom acoustics and background noises make it difficult for students to concentrate.
While many schools cannot afford to provide their students with specialized equipment, our solutions are designed for easy and affordable integration with a variety of accessible EdTech platforms.